MSFA Convention & Conference 2025
June 15 - June 19, 2025MSFA Convention and Conference Sub-Committee
- Awards: Doyle Cox
- Audiovisual: Chris May
- Back-Stage Logistics: Frank Underwood
- Badges: Doyle Cox
- Basket Bingo: Karen Lowman
- Bus Passes: Sherrie Sauers, Barbara Evans & Nancy Cox
- City Government: Roger Steger
- Corporate Partners: Wylie Donaldson & Kate Loveless
- Computers/Resolutions: Richard Snader
- Control Center: Bill Hildebrand
- Convention Critique: Randy Smith
- Election of Officers, Computer Voting: Teresa Crisman
- Events Ticket Sales: Sandy Jacobs
- Executive Officer: Kate Loveless
- Exhibit Booths, Exhibit Registration, Lower Level Hallway, Outside Space: Wylie Donaldson & Kate Loveless
- Family Assistance: Elaine Huttenloch
- Finance Team: Bobby Jacobs
- Financial Secretaries Office: Mitch Vocke
- Flea Market: Frank Underwood
- Food Service – Jolly Roger, Lunches, Social Events: Rose Clark, Sandy Jacobs, Tony Clark, & Terry Clark
- General Logistics: Bill Hawkins
- Go-Team Command: Susan Proels
- Guests: Doyle Cox
- Honor Guard: Bill Lippincott & Wayne Lee
- Installation: Elaine Huttenloch
- Ladies Hall: Ginny Wilhite
- Lodging: Susan Proels
- Media/PIO: Ron Watkins
- Memorial Service: Elaine Huttenloch, Chaplain Long, Mark Bilger
- Miss Fire Prevention: Teresa Crisman
- NFFF Logistics: Bill Hinton
- Opening Ceremonies: Bill Lippincott, Wayne Lee
- O. O. S. Coordinator: Bob Cumberland
- Packets: Rose Pandofini
- Parade Announcing and Parade Judges: Paul Sterling
- Parade Line-Up: Roger Steger
- Parade Trophies: Paul Sterling
- Past Presidents: Roger Steger
- Photos: Ron Watkins, Jim Brown
- Podium Proceedings: Michelle Malin, Ken Bush, & Ben Kurtz
- Prayer Breakfast: Chaplain Long
- Program: Ken Bush & Ginny Wilhite
- Program Book: Ginny Wilhite
- Recording: Chris May/Richard Snader
- Registration: Doyle Cox/Rick Hemphill
- Safety: Jon Black
- Secretary’s Office: Doyle Cox
- Security: Jeff Thompson & Wylie Donaldson
- Seminars: Kate Loveless & Steve Cox
- Sgt. at Arms: Laura Woods
- Stage Crews: Bill Barnard
- Treasurer’s Office: Robert Jacobs
- Voting: Rick Hemphill
- Ways and Means: Mitch Vocke
- Worship Service: Chaplain Long
For general Ocean City, Maryland inquiries, please call 1-800-OC-OCEAN.
For Convention inquiries, please contact the MSFA Convention Committee.