June 16 -June 21, 2024

Exhibitor Registration

Registration is CLOSED for the 2024 Convention!

The MSFA Convention Committee, along with the entire Maryland volunteer fire, rescue, and emergency medical services personnel, their families, friends, and counterparts are looking forward to having you participate in our Convention, and wish you an incredibly successful show.

MSFA Convention Indoor Exhibitor Booth Space

Shortcut Menu:


Ocean City holds one of the Mid-Atlantic’s best beach resort and conference centers, and has proven to be a record boosting attendance destination for the MSFA Convention. The Convention has become one of the largest attended emergency services events in the nation. It is located within a reasonable drive for one-third of the nation’s population, drawing attendance from across the Mid-Atlantic region.

  • MSFA membership: 365+ fire, rescue, and ambulance departments, and 200+ member auxiliaries
  • 3,000 Convention delegates
  • 14,500 Convention members
  • 35,000 Convention guests in total, including family, friends, volunteer, career, gov’t agency emergency services personnel
  • Convention guests from Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, Pennsylvania

Ocean City has over 9,500 hotel rooms, thousands of condominiums, more than 22,000 restaurant seats, and a large variety of entertainment available for Convention attendees and exhibitors alike.


The Convention headquarters are at the 182,000-square-foot state-of-the-art Roland E. Powell Convention Center, located at 4001 Coastal Highway (MD Route 528) and 40th Street.

Rental Space Assignment Prioritization

Exhibit spaces are assigned on a first come, first served basis. Therefore, it is to your advantage to submit exhibitor rental applications early.

There is limited exhibitor space in some areas. Not all requests will be granted first choice. The MSFA Convention Exhibit team will attempt to locate exhibitors in suitable areas if unable to fulfill first choice. Vendors who have exhibited in previous years will have the first option to be assigned to their same spaces, where possible.

Once an application and payment in-full (check and credit card accepted) are received, processed, and confirmed, a confirmation of space and a validated contract will be forwarded.


Exhibit & Display Opportunities

  • Exhibit space includes exhibit areas in Hall A/B/C
  • Exhibit halls will house both vendor booth spaces and indoor apparatus display areas.

Set Up, Break Down, Exhibit Hours

Registration & Set Up Hours (Booth Vendors)

Saturday, 8am-11am

For those vendors who cannot get into Ocean City until Saturday evening or early Sunday morning, we will have additional move in times available from 7am-10:30am on Sunday morning prior to opening the exhibit hall.

Registration & Set Up Hours (Apparatus)

Saturday, 11am

Please arrive as early as possible and have apparatus staged and ready to move-in by 11am. The process moves quickly and in order of apparatus location within the halls.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Parking of apparatus in the O.C. Convention Center Parking Lot(s) is prohibited during Convention Week, including overnight parking.

Late Arrival Registration and Set-Up Hours (for booth vendors or C Hall apparatus only)

Sunday, 7am-10:30am

Exhibit Hours

Sunday, 11am – 3pm
Monday, 9am – 3pm
Tuesday, 9am – 2pm

Break Down Hours

Tuesday, 2pm (at the close of the exhibit halls)

Space Rental Fees

Apparatus Display Space

Blocks: 15′ x 15′
Example: Two (2) engines require 30′ x 30′

These blocks of space will include all vehicles, plus tables and other items placed on display. No tables supplied except by request. Please take into consideration: open apparatus compartment doors, interior aisles, etc.


$2.50/sq. ft ($1,125 Minimum)


For general Ocean City, Maryland inquiries, please call 1-800-OC-OCEAN.
For Convention inquiries, please contact the MSFA Convention Committee.