Ocean City FOOLS

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  3. Ocean City FOOLS
Events from this organizer


This 4-hour, hands-on training course will cover ladder operations for those either assigned or not to a truck company and will show multiple ways to perform raises, operations, and tactics for correct placement of ladders.


Engine Operator Hydraulics

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Engine Operator Hydraulics 101 will cover the fundamental basics of fire ground hydraulics and help attendees understand the importance of them.


FF Survival – Bailouts, Below Grade & High Ladder (4 hour H.O.T.)

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This class will teach the basics of FF Survival. In this 4-hour Hands-on class, participants will learn, discuss, and practice various RIT Drills to effectively locate, package, and remove a down firefighter to safety. Through the use of various techniques including Ladder work and window bailouts the instructors will provide a wide array of both self-rescue as well as RIT team rescue operations. This class REQUIRES PPE and Signed Waiver Forms. 


Engine Ops. “Know Your Flow” (4 hour H.O.T.)

This class will concentrate on operational fundamentals such as proper hose stretching techniques, efficiently laying out your attack line, developing a proper pre-entry checklist, and reading the building. Attendees will also train on standpipe operations, loss of water, rope stretches, flow path hazards, moving the big line effectively and multiple room fire attack. Join us for an extremely informative, skill sharpening session.


Hazards of Knee Walls

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

According to 2017 Natation Fire Protection Association statistics, fires in one- and two-family homes accounted for 53 percent of all structure fires. Often, these fires occur in dwellings that contain occupiable half-stories constructed with knee walls, which present tremendous challenges to responding firefighters and have resulted in numerous Maydays. Building construction containing knee walls can be found in most every community from urban to rural, in older legacy homes, as well as in modern pre-manufactured truss homes. Knee walls can conceal tremendous amounts of combustible gases that are waiting for the proper mixture to ignite. Members can easily be on the fire floor with no smoke and little to no heat conditions. As soon as members open up the knee walls, extreme fire conditions can erupt with little to no warning. Students will learn the severe hazards that knee walls present, how to recognize them early, and how to safely mitigate incidents involving the


Protecting Remote Communities

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This presentation will discuss the challenges that remote communities pose and how to overcome them.


The Good, Bad and Ugly of the Fire Service

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

The good the bad and the ugly of the fire service. Interactive discussion into all subjects of the fire service from nozzles to mental health and the stigmas attached to them. No subject will be left out there is nothing we won't discuss. So, bring your opinions and ideas. This class is an open forum for general fire service discussions, history of the fire department, deep traditions of the fire service.


4-Hour H.O.T Training – Hydrant to the Nozzle; Drafting and Flowing

Presented by: OC FOOLS OC FOOLS with instruction by Keith Niemann, Captain; Wichita FD To be held at Ocean City Commercial Harbor This class will go through Apparatus and Design Features, equipment and flows, pumping operations to include getting the most out of hydrants and drafting, hose bed layout and setup for maximum versatility, and […]


Generational Leadership

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Times have changed and with that so have the fire service. The way we learn, the way we teach and the way we fight fires have all been affected. From the senior man to the rookie, we will look at the influences, history, generations and current events that affect the way we do business.


FF Survival – Bailouts, Below Grade & High Ladder (4 hour H.O.T.)

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This class will teach the basics of FF Survival. In this 4-hour Hands-on class, participants will learn, discuss, and practice various RIT Drills to effectively locate, package, and remove a down firefighter to safety. Through the use of various techniques including Ladder work and window bailouts the instructors will provide a wide array of both self-rescue as well as RIT team rescue operations. This class REQUIRES PPE and Signed Waiver Forms. 


Human Trafficking

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This session covers what human trafficking is, what it looks like, what we as EMS providers should look for, and what we should do if we think someone is being trafficked. This class will provide 2 hours of medical continuing education.


Heavy Extrication – 8 Hour H.O.T. Class

We plan on setting up several stations for the students to work through with heavy extrication. This will include car underride of a trailer. A dump truck or another large truck overturned on a vehicle and discuss chains, slings, hydrofusion struts, and various stabilization options. An additional station to show how to lift a heavy truck, showing the differences in weight ratings between standard vehicles to see how important the effects have on your equipment for these challenging incidents. The last scenario will challenge the students from the information they learned that day to include lifting a heavy truck, winching operations, stabilizing a heavy object such as concrete etc. One station will include a guardrail intrusion scenario through a car pinning a pt. requiring extrication.


Engine Basics

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

The purpose of this class is to provide and demonstrate practical drills that members of an engine company can perform to be proficient at one of the most important jobs on the fire scene: Extinguish the Fire! To practice and perform engine company work regularly using fire ground proven methods. To learn the duties of an engine company correctly and efficiently- "Take Time to Make Time"


Decisions Under Fire

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

In this session, we will discuss the difference between risk assessment and managing risk. We will also cover the methods and benefits of critical decision-making on the fire ground and the problems associated with delayed or poor choices.


Ladders for Deuce

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This lecture will discuss ladder operations for minimum manning departments. How to successfully use your manpower wisely. We have all been in the situation of needing to throw ladders and perform multiple operations when we do not have the proper staffing. This class will teach you several ways and techniques to assist you with performing job functions with limited personnel. We will also discuss: Two ladder Operations, Courtyard carry, assortment of tools you might need to take with you. How you can use multiple ladders for window rescues and vertical ventilation. Finally, what ladders do you carry on your apparatus and how will they best be utilized?


Training Those That Lead; Officer, Senior FF Development

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

"The fire service is not the same as it was 25 years ago. Tailboard riding is out, bunker gear is in and YES, fires are burning hotter than ever before. Our aggressive nature is good but we must be educated in today’s pitfalls to attain positive results. This program is designed to discuss these issues and how today's fire officer and senior firefighter can mold a company / department of “Street-Smart Firefighters”. Emphasis will be on the role of the company officer.


Fire Service Saws

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Presented by: OC FOOLS with instruction by Tai Rondeau, FF/PM, Milwaukee Fire Dept Room 205  


It’s Too Hot! It’s Too Cold! There Are Bugs!!

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This session will discuss environmental emergencies, including heat and cold, as well as what insects and other wildlife we should be aware of. This class will provide 2 hours of trauma continuing education


Man vs Machinery (4 hour – lecture/hands on)

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This is a highly specialized skill set and caring for victims/patients entrapped in machinery requires providers to be trained in specific treatment modalities and the possible complications that may arise. Tool selection, patient stabilization techniques, and crush injury syndrome will be discussed as well as several actual case studies.


H.O.T. Class; Ladder Romance (4 hour)

Aggressive basic techniques for ladders operations. Course will cover ladder operations for those either assigned or not to a truck company and will show multiple ways to perform raises, operations, and tactics for correct placement of ladders. The course is designed to show successful ladder operations even with minimum staffing. To be held at OCFD 15th Street, Ocean City.


Preparing FF to Become Apparatus Operators

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Instructor will focus on the in-station preventative maintenance, expectations of pump operators, station duties,
driving responsibilities and expectations of the apparatus operators from others responding to scene. This class
will focus on the day to day operations of a pump operator and what information they need to know in order to
operate successfully at a fireground or emergency incident that they would be responding too. This class is not
designed to be a pumps training class but rather all the operations that a driver/operator is expected to complete
in a normal shift.


Getting the Most Out of Recruit Training

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Many of us have experience teaching at the company level but when it comes time to teach new recruits, or take over a recruit training program the responsibilities are quite a bit different. This Lecture goes over how to organize the recruit training program, teaching methodology to get the most out of the new people, and a ton of drills and exercises to make sure they get to where you need them skills wise.


Drilling for Success

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

From instructing recruits to company level training there are only so many hours allotted so every drill has to count. This class will discuss how to build drill cycles so that the participants get the most out of each drill. We will break down a number of my favorite training drills and discuss how the building blocks of a “Crawl-Walk-Run” format is essential for success.


OC FOOLS 8-Hour H.O.T: Truck Essentials

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This truck essentials class will be focused on basic truck work. The HOT skills performed will be geared towards both residential and commercial fires. The goal of this class it to provide a fundamental basis for the students to build upon for their fire ground operations. Whether you are a fully staffed fire department or a volunteer department the skills we will go over are going to help you bolster your truck culture.



Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Presented by: O.C. FOOLS Room 201



Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Presented by: O.C. FOOLS Room 201

Fireground Commander’s Intent: Coordinated Actions for Mission

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

The focus of this class is to illustrate the importance of a commander’s expectation on emergency scenes. This class is a work in progress and has been updated every year to reflect my continuing education on the fireground. The main purpose of the intent is to provide a framework for Company Officers to act. Fire companies are the linchpins to a successful emergency scene operation. The importance of synchronized small unit tactics following the commander’s intent is critical to a successful mission on an emergency scene. Every emergency operation outcome is the result of many small unit outcomes. The key is for each small tactical unit (engine & truck companies) to perform in a predictable way. If one small unit fails to perform their task the whole operation could have a negative end result and change the strategy of the commander. The application of this information is to provide proven basics for fire officers to be successful during emergency operations through interactive discussions and video demonstration.


OC FOOLS 8-hour H.O.T. The Art of the Educated Search; RIT Reinvented

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Part 1: Art of the Educated Search: Strategies & Tactics for success when arriving w/ “Reports of People Trapped”. Understanding how our entry determines our path, and the methods to clear rooms of varying living space. Sizing up occupancy types & understanding residential construction to maximize our search timeline. Techniques for “clearing” compartments quickly & efficiently during the primary search, and accomplishing the “30 Seconds Out” Survivable Space Search.

Part 2: RIT; Reinvented: The most progressive approach to preplanning and producing a positive outcome following the “MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY”. Understanding who will be a victim, why, and how it’s likely to occur. Then, how we mitigate the emergency w/ proper tools, access techniques, and removal tactics.


The Efficient Engine

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

The job of an engine officer is not as simple as running inside and spraying water. The origins of a successful engine company operation often start way before the engine was rang out for the alarm. The purpose of the “Efficient Engine” class is to start from scratch and look at the systems, from machine to personnel, which contributes to the effective deployment of the Engine Company. We will start with specifications that can help the students navigate through all the different options available concentrating on the items that will increase the usefulness of the engine itself. Then we move onto layout of equipment and hose that can maximize the efficiency of the crew. Next item covered is the efficient use of the equipment including intricacies and quirks of the new electronic aids often in use on newer engines. The class will wrap up with personnel deployment and training techniques to maximize the different staffing levels found throughout the country both volunteer and career.


360° Leadership

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

360° Leadership is a core class for Officer, aspiring Officer, and Member professional development. This course explores and explains the essentials of well-rounded organizational leadership and the obligations of all ranks and levels of membership. Accurate assessment of operational and administrative variables is an acquired skill that provides knowledge of which elements can be controlled or influenced. Participants in this interactive class will engage in scenario-based discussions and presentations to discover practical tools and techniques for building their leadership skills.


CANCELED: 5th Annual Hair of the Dalmatian 5K

Firefighter Memorial Boardwalk & North Division Street, Ocean City, MD, United States

The 5th Annual Hair of the Dalmatian 5k, sponsored by O.C. FOOLS, starts at the Firefighters Memorial, located at the Boardwalk & North Division Street on Thursday, June 22, 2023.

$5.00 – $100.00

Annual Hair of the Dalmatian 5K

Firefighter Memorial Boardwalk & North Division Street, Ocean City, MD, United States

The 6th Annual Hair of the Dalmatian 5k, sponsored by O.C. FOOLS, starts at the Firefighters Memorial, located at the Boardwalk & North Division Street on Thursday, June 20

$5.00 – $100.00