June 15 - June 19, 2025

Instructor Proposal Form 2025 Convention

Request for Instructor Proposals Form for Convention 2025

To submit an instructed seminar proposal for consideration at the upcoming MSFA Ocean City Convention and Conference, please review the criteria and click to submit.

Seminar proposals must meet the following criteria:

  • Seminars should focus on state or federal policy or issues and have a positive impact on Maryland’s fire and emergency services. Seminars intended solely to promote for-profit programs or activities that specifically benefit an individual or organization will not be considered.
  • Seminars should be either 1.5 hours, 2 hours, or 4 hours in length. The only exceptions are PDI courses and the EMT Skills class.
  • Proposals should be submitted to the Maryland State Firefighters Association NO LATER than January 15th.

Proposals should include the following information:

  • Seminar title
  • Seminar description and objectives (minimum 200-word narrative)
  • Name, bio, and photo of instructor
  • A primary point of contact for the Convention Education sub-committee. Incomplete proposals will not be considered. Instructors chosen to present must agree to work with the MSFA Convention Education sub-committee to promote the education of the Convention and produce submission including email and phone number

All proposals will be reviewed by the MSFA presentation materials by February 1st for review. The MSFA reserves the right to make changes to seminar schedules and provide feedback on content.