June 16 -June 21, 2024


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It’s Ok to Say I’m Not Ok

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

As individuals, we carry the weight of everyday stresses around each day: work, family, financial status, having more time to enjoy life. Couple that with the mental stresses of emergency response: witness to life and property loss, sleep deprivation, poor nutrition, and we are equal to a ticking time bomb. Come learn how to identify the signs of stress and how to combat stress in order to maintain mental wellness.


When to Call A Fire Investigator/ Smoke & CO Alarm Requirements

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This class will be taught by various OSFM staff. The Office of the State Fire Marshal performs primary origin and cause investigations in 16 of the 23 Counties.


Cancer Reduction – A No-nonsense Approach

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This course will dive into firefighter cancer statistics and causes and will bring achievable, practical applications to the attendee, that will go a long way in the reduction of those statistics.


Planning and Implementing a Training Program

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This course reviews best practices for creating a robust training program in a volunteer fire department. You will learn how to ensure your training program produces positive outcomes, accomplishes training goals, and prepares members to run safe and effective operations.


Engine Operator Hydraulics

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Engine Operator Hydraulics 101 will cover the fundamental basics of fire ground hydraulics and help attendees understand the importance of them.


Hazards of Knee Walls

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

According to 2017 Natation Fire Protection Association statistics, fires in one- and two-family homes accounted for 53 percent of all structure fires. Often, these fires occur in dwellings that contain occupiable half-stories constructed with knee walls, which present tremendous challenges to responding firefighters and have resulted in numerous Maydays. Building construction containing knee walls can be found in most every community from urban to rural, in older legacy homes, as well as in modern pre-manufactured truss homes. Knee walls can conceal tremendous amounts of combustible gases that are waiting for the proper mixture to ignite. Members can easily be on the fire floor with no smoke and little to no heat conditions. As soon as members open up the knee walls, extreme fire conditions can erupt with little to no warning. Students will learn the severe hazards that knee walls present, how to recognize them early, and how to safely mitigate incidents involving the


Protecting Remote Communities

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This presentation will discuss the challenges that remote communities pose and how to overcome them.


Crash Injury Research

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

The CIREN process combines prospective data collection with professional multidisciplinary analysis of medical and engineering evidence to determine injury causation in every crash investigation conducted.


Intoxicated Leadership

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Intoxicated Leadership takes the distinctive approach of helping students understand the role our emotions play in either aiding or undermining leadership efforts both in emergencies and back at the station.


Bike Safety; Making a Difference in Your Community

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

The presentation will cover the importance of wearing a bike helmet correctly on every ride. Head injuries are the leading cause of injury and death to bicycles, and helmets are a proven safety measure.


Child Passenger Safety

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Fire and EMS personnel sometimes transport children in vehicles other than ambulances. What are the essential things to know and do to keep children safe? What new restraints, features on car seats, or products are available, and what makes them helpful for certain situations? This workshop will combine Power Point lecture, video, and hands-on activities with car seats, training dolls, and a vehicle seat simulator. Resources on CPS will be shared with attendees. If you have not read a car seat manual or seen a training video in the last couple years then your information and skills in child passenger safety may be out of date, and this workshop is for you! THIS CLASS HAS BEEN APPROVED FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS BY MIEMSS.


Make Positive Changes That Stick!

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Habits involve repeating a behavior and getting rewarded for it, so that it is repeated over and over, without conscious thought.


The Good, Bad and Ugly of the Fire Service

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

The good the bad and the ugly of the fire service. Interactive discussion into all subjects of the fire service from nozzles to mental health and the stigmas attached to them. No subject will be left out there is nothing we won't discuss. So, bring your opinions and ideas. This class is an open forum for general fire service discussions, history of the fire department, deep traditions of the fire service.


Possible Drowning; The Calm Before the Storm

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

It is estimated that > 90% of drownings are preventable. When water is aspirated into the airways, a cascade pf physiological events occur effecting ventilation and perfusion with long term effects and death. THIS CLASS HAS BEEN APPROVED FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS BY MIEMSS.


Affordable College for Volunteers

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

By combining a new way of approaching recruitment and retention with educational programs that are readily available to all, the volunteer fire service can take advantage of fire service training courses, free online college courses, and grant-funded College Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams to offer benefits to its members that rival the Montgomery GI Bill.


Safeguarding Your Identity

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Identity Theft is the fastest growing crime in the world. It now accounts to losses of several millions dollars to the citizens of the United States, annually. Identity Theft is when someone "pretends to be someone else" by assuming the person's identity, typically in order to access resources or obtain credit and other benefits in that person's name and typically occurs when someone uses another's personally identifying information, like their name, social security number, or credit card number, without their permission, to commit fraud or other related crimes. . This class will discuss what it is, how it can happen to each of us, new prevention techniques, and actions to take after your identity has been stolen from you! The class will address both personal and commercial loss.


Generational Leadership

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Times have changed and with that so have the fire service. The way we learn, the way we teach and the way we fight fires have all been affected. From the senior man to the rookie, we will look at the influences, history, generations and current events that affect the way we do business.


Human Trafficking

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This session covers what human trafficking is, what it looks like, what we as EMS providers should look for, and what we should do if we think someone is being trafficked. This class will provide 2 hours of medical continuing education.


PDI Instructor Training; CANVAS 99 (6 Hours)

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

In this program, students will learn how to navigate through CANVAS to find and use common course materials.   They will also: create/send/receive email via canvas, create/administer a classroom assignment, create a group assignment, create/administer a quiz, utilize speed grader, utilize quiz statistics, create a zoom meeting in canvas,  upload/download files, create a discussion board. This is an in-person class.   All students must bring a laptop or tablet. REGISTRANTS MUST REGISTER ON THE MFRI WEBSITE FOR THESE PDI'S


Maryland EMT Skills Recertification (2nd of 2 sessions)

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This course will have the students rotate between three stations. The stations will give the students different challenging evolutions to test their thinking.


Engine Basics

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

The purpose of this class is to provide and demonstrate practical drills that members of an engine company can perform to be proficient at one of the most important jobs on the fire scene: Extinguish the Fire! To practice and perform engine company work regularly using fire ground proven methods. To learn the duties of an engine company correctly and efficiently- "Take Time to Make Time"


Decisions Under Fire

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

In this session, we will discuss the difference between risk assessment and managing risk. We will also cover the methods and benefits of critical decision-making on the fire ground and the problems associated with delayed or poor choices.


You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know; Actual LODD Details

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This presentation is created to provide and understanding of the line of duty death definitions and criteria from four national fire service organizations.


Risk Control for Mid-Level Managers

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This session reintroduces the participant to risk control with emphasis on identifying, managing, and controlling risk as well as potential risk pitfalls in ESOs.


Harvesting the Money Tree

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Today’s volunteer emergency services leaders are challenged with meeting the financial demands of sustaining current operations and funding the high costs of equipment and apparatus replacement.


How Safe Is Too Safe?

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Over the last several years, there has been a push to discontinue the practice of interior fire attack or operating in the “offensive” mode on the fire ground.


Ladders for Deuce

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This lecture will discuss ladder operations for minimum manning departments. How to successfully use your manpower wisely. We have all been in the situation of needing to throw ladders and perform multiple operations when we do not have the proper staffing. This class will teach you several ways and techniques to assist you with performing job functions with limited personnel. We will also discuss: Two ladder Operations, Courtyard carry, assortment of tools you might need to take with you. How you can use multiple ladders for window rescues and vertical ventilation. Finally, what ladders do you carry on your apparatus and how will they best be utilized?


Fireground Contaminant Exposure

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

The seminar will present the results of a FEMA-funded study conducted by the Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute (MFRI) and the Department of Fire Protection Engineering at the University of Maryland (UMD).


Training Those That Lead; Officer, Senior FF Development

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

"The fire service is not the same as it was 25 years ago. Tailboard riding is out, bunker gear is in and YES, fires are burning hotter than ever before. Our aggressive nature is good but we must be educated in today’s pitfalls to attain positive results. This program is designed to discuss these issues and how today's fire officer and senior firefighter can mold a company / department of “Street-Smart Firefighters”. Emphasis will be on the role of the company officer.


Resiliency: The Servants Code

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Application of the precepts of resiliency for the firefighter and development of "code" as a reminder for self-care.


Bringing Family Back in the Fire House

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

The presentation will take a look at the importance of our two families. The one at home and the one at the station and how to make sure we never lose it and what we can do to bring it back. Discussion will include lessons learned along with sharing ideas to help build strong families.


Death, Rebirth and a Whole New Attitude

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

A complete shift in attitude was the catalyst to personal and professional success but more importantly allowed me the privilege to help others succeed as well. We have created 12 simple rules to succeed at home and in the firehouse.


Fire Service Saws

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Presented by: OC FOOLS with instruction by Tai Rondeau, FF/PM, Milwaukee Fire Dept Room 205  


Leadership for Fire and EMS Services

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Quality leadership is essential for the fire and emergency services to accomplish the mission and improve your department. This course examines leadership styles, qualities, ethics, and best practices to help your department function at a high level and avoid fire and emergency services leadership pitfalls. New retention research will also be discussed to help leaders understand retention concerns and identify solutions.


Necrotizing Fasciitis; Case Studies Across the Ages

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Necrotizing Fasciitis is a rare life-threatening bacterial infection characterized by a rapidly spreading inflammation resulting in necrosis of the subcutaneous tissue and superficial fascia. THIS CLASS HAS BEEN APPROVED FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS BY MIEMSS.


Buildings on Fire; Tactical Risks & Operational Safety for the First Due

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This program will present tactical risks and key considerations for the first due company, company officer, and commander affecting and influencing operational risk management, command and tactical safety, and tactical protocols based upon occupancy risks, reading the building and adaptive management principles.


Top of the Mountain Leadership

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

If you aspire to be the next generation of leader to reach the summit, it is critical to have key leadership skills to engage and motivate your teams to higher performance.


Fire Officers in the Political Arena

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

How the fire service needs to be knowledgeable, engaged, prepared (informed/educated) in today’s political arena.


Pediatric Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Pediatric Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrests (POHCA) occur in Maryland almost daily and the survival rate is low. Survival is directly impacted by the response of everyone in the Chain of Survival. THIS CLASS HAS BEEN APPROVED FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS BY MIEMSS.


Volunteer Fire Service Culture: Essential Strategies for Success (4 hrs)

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

The NVFC published the textbook Volunteer Fire Service Culture – Essential Strategies for Success as a guide to fire service leaders who desire to change their department’s culture and attitude towards personal health and safety. This training delves into key points from the guide to reinforce the need for change and provide a roadmap for implementation of change to improve the health and safety of volunteer fire and EMS responders.


Man vs Machinery (4 hour – lecture/hands on)

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This is a highly specialized skill set and caring for victims/patients entrapped in machinery requires providers to be trained in specific treatment modalities and the possible complications that may arise. Tool selection, patient stabilization techniques, and crush injury syndrome will be discussed as well as several actual case studies.


6-Hour PDI Instructor Training; EMT Update, Helping Your Students Succeed in EMT Class

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

*REGISTRANTS MUST REGISTER ON THE MFRI WEBSITE FOR THESE PDI'S. This class is for EMT Instructors.  It will consist of 3 areas. Preparing students for practical exams, new equipment will be introduced, and a n orientation to all of the resources available for instructors and students including books, workbooks, active learning exercises and canvas resources that are available. 


Your New Rig is on Order, Now What?

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This program would focus on what the apparatus committee should expect in preparing for the preconstruction conference, change order approval process, review and sign off on production materials.


Know Your Gear

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

The “Know Your Gear- Overview” program reviews how and why firefighters need to maintain PPE and select the proper PPE. Continually, the program reviews the fire departments' required risk assessment and standard operating guidelines for the maintenance and selection of PPE.


Preparing FF to Become Apparatus Operators

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Instructor will focus on the in-station preventative maintenance, expectations of pump operators, station duties,
driving responsibilities and expectations of the apparatus operators from others responding to scene. This class
will focus on the day to day operations of a pump operator and what information they need to know in order to
operate successfully at a fireground or emergency incident that they would be responding too. This class is not
designed to be a pumps training class but rather all the operations that a driver/operator is expected to complete
in a normal shift.


Getting the Most Out of Recruit Training

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Many of us have experience teaching at the company level but when it comes time to teach new recruits, or take over a recruit training program the responsibilities are quite a bit different. This Lecture goes over how to organize the recruit training program, teaching methodology to get the most out of the new people, and a ton of drills and exercises to make sure they get to where you need them skills wise.


Mental Health: What You May Not Know

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

If you haven't had personal experience with Mental Health Issues, what are you looking for and how do you refer persons that present with undiagnosed mental health issues


Safe Sleep Environment; Take The Steps to Prevent SUID

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Sudden unexpected infant death (SUID) is a term used to describe the sudden and unexpected death of a baby less than 1-year old in which the cause was not obvious before investigation. THIS CLASS HAS BEEN APPROVED FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS BY MIEMSS.


Firefighters Insurance and Benefits

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Fire/EMS companies pay for insurance just in case something happens. When “just in case” shows up at your station, are you really covered?


Trauma-Informed Care

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Being educated in trauma-informed care strategies has numerous benefits. Knowledge in this area helps us with our day-to-day interactions with our loved ones, friends, and even strangers.


The Meter Guys: Air Monitoring

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This class will teach First Responders how to use a meter properly and understand the readings they see and the implications of such on emergency response.


Are You Ready for Your Next Recruit?

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Utilizing facilitated conversation and a series of interactive exercises, this presentation outlines the three major phases of the “Volunteer Life Cycle”: Recruitment, Onboarding and Retention to offer a framework for sizing up the health and wellness of your organization’s culture and processes.


Fire Officer’s Guide to Today’s Building on Fire

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Presenting insights on building construction for today’s fire service, the primary objective of this program is to increase awareness and understandings and promote new skillsets in the fundamentals of building construction, architecture, engineering and design, that directly impact firefighting and command operations at structure fires


Stress First Aid

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Presented by: Dr. Gamaliel Baer, EdD, MSM, CTO; First Responder Center for Excellence Room 215 First responders are faced with a myriad of stressors that go beyond what the general […]



Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Presented by: OC FOOLS Room 201


Drilling for Success

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

From instructing recruits to company level training there are only so many hours allotted so every drill has to count. This class will discuss how to build drill cycles so that the participants get the most out of each drill. We will break down a number of my favorite training drills and discuss how the building blocks of a “Crawl-Walk-Run” format is essential for success.


OC FOOLS 8-Hour H.O.T: Truck Essentials

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This truck essentials class will be focused on basic truck work. The HOT skills performed will be geared towards both residential and commercial fires. The goal of this class it to provide a fundamental basis for the students to build upon for their fire ground operations. Whether you are a fully staffed fire department or a volunteer department the skills we will go over are going to help you bolster your truck culture.


Mental Health First Aid for Fire/EMS; National Certification Course (8 Hour)

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Mental Health First Aid® is a public education national certification course. Participants learn to recognize and respond to the signs and symptoms of an emerging mental health problem or crisis, to identify community resources, and to link individuals in need of support to appropriate care. This skills-based course includes a 5¬-step action plan which can be used in various types of crisis and non-crisis situations.

MHFA for Fire/EMS focuses on the unique experiences and needs of firefighters and EMS personnel. Participants learn about the importance of early intervention and how, as first responders, they can intervene in the field and provide direct assistance to someone who is experiencing a mental health challenge or crisis.

The 5 Step Action Plan, ALGEE, includes:

Assess for risk of suicide or harm

Listen non-judgmentally

Give reassurance and information

Encourage appropriate professional help

Encourage self-help and other support strategies


Fireground Commander’s Intent: Coordinated Actions for Mission

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

The focus of this class is to illustrate the importance of a commander’s expectation on emergency scenes. This class is a work in progress and has been updated every year to reflect my continuing education on the fireground. The main purpose of the intent is to provide a framework for Company Officers to act. Fire companies are the linchpins to a successful emergency scene operation. The importance of synchronized small unit tactics following the commander’s intent is critical to a successful mission on an emergency scene. Every emergency operation outcome is the result of many small unit outcomes. The key is for each small tactical unit (engine & truck companies) to perform in a predictable way. If one small unit fails to perform their task the whole operation could have a negative end result and change the strategy of the commander. The application of this information is to provide proven basics for fire officers to be successful during emergency operations through interactive discussions and video demonstration.


PAIN: Pediatric Assessment Is Needed at All Ages

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Dr. Jennifer Guyther will engage the audience in discussing pediatric pain – when it is obvious and when it may be hidden. The presentation will review the pain control treatment options – medication doses and timing, repeat assessments, and alternative treatments that work.


Elevators for the Fire Service

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This session discusses Elevator Code requirements, both new and existing (what a first responder may see depending upon age of bldg.) NFPA, IBC and the MD State Elevator Codes. Explanation of the different types of elevators. (Traction, Hydraulic, Machine Room) Inspection process for accepting an elevator into service. Not just fire service related items but the entire elevator testing/acceptance process.

Elevator Operations. The Codes do permit the use of elevators as part of the egress paths from a building, etc. This session would outline the unique aspects associated with using elevators for egress as well as typical FD operations. The presentation includes representative(s) from the State Elevator Inspectors Office and/or Local Elevator Companies.


Using Simulation to Enhance Leadership Development

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This presentation will discuss how utilization of simulation as part of leadership education can improve the leadership development process and support effective leadership succession in your organization


How Did We Become Scared of the Roof?

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This presentation will look at firefighter line-of-duty deaths related to vertical ventilation on the fireground. Notice will be given to how significant deaths over decades have influenced training today and views on current practices and restrictions. It will also highlight what is made sensational and what is ignored when it comes to safety and education. Data and references will be shown in all areas to give the attendees a true picture of firefighter deaths during vertical ventilation. (2 hours)


Pet First Aid and CPR

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

More and more fire departments are carrying pet oxygen masks on their apparatus these days, making it crucial for first responders to understand how to appropriately size an oxygen mask for fit to the animal as well as what flow rates are required for different animals. Upon completing this class, first responders will feel comfortable performing CPR, applying an oxygen mask, and performing rescue breathing for both cats and dogs.


Operational Responsibility

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This session will review the need for company officers and chief officers to understand the responsibility that comes with these positions. The discussion will address the priority of our firefighters as we make critical operational decisions. With a priority to our fire service mission of protecting lives and property. We will discuss incidents where decision making changed the outcome of a fireground, and what the affects of our decisions have on our mission and our firefighters.


Drift Towards Failure

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This class will engage the participants in a discussion on how to address this growing issue within the modern fire service. Having a critical conversation and setting expectations are key in solving or fixing these issues. Confrontation may be difficult, but it is necessary.


Pediatric Trauma: Case Studies in Summer Injuries

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Children explore their environments as a part of growing up – often in ways that teach them wonderful things.

Once the traditional school year has ended, the incidence of pediatric traumatic injuries typically increases. This presentation will focus on the MOI seen most often in the summer (but some year round), the key assessment signs and symptoms during triage, when to consult with a Pediatric Base Station, and transport & destination considerations – Local ED or Pediatric Trauma Center.


It’s Ok to Say I’m Not Ok

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

As individuals, we carry the weight of everyday stresses around each day: work, family, financial status, having more time to enjoy life. Couple that with the mental stresses of emergency response: witness to life and property loss, sleep deprivation, poor nutrition, and we are equal to a ticking time bomb. Come learn how to identify the signs of stress and how to combat stress in order to maintain mental wellness.


Insights on FF Ops; Mega-Mansion and Large Area Residential; Sea-side to Country-side

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

The program provides leading insights on building construction systems, design configurations, and characteristics of common large area residential and mega-mansions--homes ranging from 4,000 to 40,000 square feet, with operational focus on the 6,000-18,000 SF residential footprint. A


Call to Duty; Recruiter Battle Briefing

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States


-Change the participant's mindset as to the way they address both the challenges and solutions to modern day volunteer fire and EMS recruitment and retention environments
-Engage the participants in activities and exercises that they can take back to their organization to facilitate based on local conditions
-Give participants the tools and resources to develop a comprehensive recruitment and retention plan for their emergency services organization
-Motivate the participant to seek additional and advanced recruitment and retention coordinator training


The Efficient Engine

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

The job of an engine officer is not as simple as running inside and spraying water. The origins of a successful engine company operation often start way before the engine was rang out for the alarm. The purpose of the “Efficient Engine” class is to start from scratch and look at the systems, from machine to personnel, which contributes to the effective deployment of the Engine Company. We will start with specifications that can help the students navigate through all the different options available concentrating on the items that will increase the usefulness of the engine itself. Then we move onto layout of equipment and hose that can maximize the efficiency of the crew. Next item covered is the efficient use of the equipment including intricacies and quirks of the new electronic aids often in use on newer engines. The class will wrap up with personnel deployment and training techniques to maximize the different staffing levels found throughout the country both volunteer and career.


360° Leadership

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

360° Leadership is a core class for Officer, aspiring Officer, and Member professional development. This course explores and explains the essentials of well-rounded organizational leadership and the obligations of all ranks and levels of membership. Accurate assessment of operational and administrative variables is an acquired skill that provides knowledge of which elements can be controlled or influenced. Participants in this interactive class will engage in scenario-based discussions and presentations to discover practical tools and techniques for building their leadership skills.


Air Monitoring for First Responders

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

his class will teach First Responders how to use a meter properly and understand the readings
they see and the implications of such on an emergency response. It is estimated that 90% of first responders can
turn a meter on but have no idea what the readings mean when it alarms, nor the knowledge of the changing
situation as a meter begins to register readings putting them at significant risk.
This class will be a self-contained course which will include meters, reference materials, and chemicals. Attendees will learn why they need a meter, and how to use it!


CANCELED: Emergency Response to Electric Vehicle Incidents

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Emergency Response to Electric Vehicle Incidents is designed to introduce first responders to the basic design and hazards of battery operated or hybrid vehicles and provides students with the advanced knowledge and skills needed respond to and address electric vehicle emergencies. Students will leave prepared to operate as a member of a team capable of responding to emergencies involving alternative fuel vehicles, where advanced vehicle rescue may be needed.

Bridging the Gap; Generational Discussion

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

The generational differences in the area of leadership has been a topic of much discussion in recent years. As the baby boomer generation continues to age and retire, there is a growing need to understand how millennials and generation X will step up to fill leadership positions within the fire service.
There are several areas that have caused a divide between the different generations including technology, politics, and work life balance. To bridge the gap between generations, it is important to recognize and value the strengths of all generations. Departments can benefit from creating opportunities for different generations to work together and learn from each other. Mentoring programs and cross-generational training can help transfer knowledge and expertise while also fostering a more inclusive and collaborative workplace culture. Being able to understand each generation’s “Why’ will guide departments to help identify, prepare, and transition to the next phase of leadership.
It's clear that the relationship between generations in the area of leadership is complex and nuanced but that doesn't mean that it's not an area that we should focus on and build upon. By valuing the strengths of the generations and creating opportunities for cross-generational learning and development, departments can build a strong and diverse leadership pipeline that is capable of adapting to the changing demands of the modern fire service.
This class will define the differences and allow an open discussion on how to effectively communicate and prepare the next generation to lead.


Never Forget Where It Started

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

The presentation will focus on the importance of never forgetting where you came from in this business as you move through the ranks, the importance of embracing your department's history, paying it back and forward, and how never forgetting the beginning followed you and helps set your leadership skills, style and values.


Moral Injury; Is Your Organization Guilty?

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This presentation will discuss the differences between burnout and moral injury while exploring how an organization can unknowingly inflict moral injury on their personnel and what they do to prevent its proliferation.


American Fire Culture Needs Gene Therapy

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

The American fire culture has been a manual fire protection model based on six underlying assumptions, or DNA genes: fast, close, wet, risk, injury and death. To survive in the 21st century, fire service leadership must change our cultural paradigm to automatic fire protection that does not accept fire loss.


Cancer Reduction in the Fire Service

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

The Cancer Reduction in the Fire Service class is an overview of the current status of cancer in the fire service and highlights the state and federal regulations, national standards and best practices that promote the reduction of cancer in the fire service.
This class dives into the current industry data of cancer among firefighters, what state and federal regulations and national standards apply to reducing firefighter cancer and industry best practices to reduce cancer in the fire service in a practical way.


How Safe Is Too Safe?

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Over the last several years, there has been a push to discontinue the practice of interior fire attack or operating in the “offensive” mode on the fire ground. Historically data collection and analysis has focused on the “negatives” associated with operating on the fire ground, this being property loss, civilian fire fatalities, and firefighter line of duty death. It has not been until recent years that the fire service has begun to track “grabs” or the civilians we save. The data subset most frequently used to discourage the practice of interior fire attack is firefighter line of duty death. We are told year after year about the high number of firefighter line of duty deaths. However, data from the US Fire Administration clearly shows a decline in firefighter line of duty deaths since tracking began in the 1970’s. With a few notable exceptions such as 9/11 and the last two years due to COVID-19. Yet, there is now a push more than ever to discontinue the practice of interior fire attack. Despite this, the fire service has far more education, PPE, and tools as opposed to years prior. Throughout this course we will examine over 20 years of firefighter line of duty deaths and examine the causes of death in the line of duty to highlight the need to continue interior fire attack in the fire service.


Surviving PTSD; A Success Story

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

The main objective of the presentation is to bring awareness to the mental health and PTSD crisis within the 1st responder community. To focus on getting people to talk about what we see on and off the job to bring about mental wellness and resiliency. The biggest goal is to let those out there with trauma and/or PTSD that they are not alone. Much like occupational cancer, occupational mental health needs to be addressed and this presentation does that along with offering some solutions.
The purpose for this presentation, much like the objectives, is to share a story of how unresolved trauma and PTSD can not only affect a 1st responder but their department, family, co-workers, and society. By being transparent and sharing my personal stories of struggles, failures, lows and highs, loss and even gain and then wrapping it up with how I turned it all around into a success story, it provides hope. Our job as 1st responders is thankless from the get-go and for most of us that’s ok cause it is not what we signed on for. However, not being able to or not knowing how to deal with and heal from what we see and do during our career(s), is not what we signed on for.


Firefighters Insurance and Benefits

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Fire/EMS companies pay for insurance just in case something happens. When “just in case” shows up at your station, are you really covered?
This seminar has 2 primary objectives:
• To identify the property, liability and member exposures faced by volunteer Fire/EMS companies every day – from a risk management perspective.
• To inform members on how insurance works to protect the corporations and their volunteers, and the options available to them.
This seminar is presented in everyday language and provides an interactive format for participant comments and questions.
Topics covered include apparatus valuation methods and liability, coverage for COVID-19, station buildings & contents and operational liability. The Workers Compensation and benefits policies for each county are explained.
Specific risk subjects also include firefighting foam pollution liability, theft of funds, HIPAA, Directors & Officers liability and fund-raising activities. An expanded focus this year is benefits for members, both through the station and available on an individual basis.


Creating a Psychologically Healthy Fire Department

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This course from the National Volunteer Fire Council and the American Psychological Association's Center for Organizational Excellence is designed to empower fire department leadership to promote and support healthy, high-performing fire/EMS departments. Based on the framework from the Psychologically Healthy Fire Departments initiative, this course focuses on six key practices - member involvement, health and safety, member growth and development, work-life balance, member recognition, and effective communication - to facilitate member well-being and department functioning.


PDI Sunday, “Teaching Strategies for Introverted Learners”

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Presenter: Bob Midkiff, MFRI Instructor Room 201 Description: Teaching Strategies for Introverted Learners will acquaint fire department instructors with the unique characteristics of introverted students, their strengths and weaknesses, and […]

Maryland EMT Skills Recertification (2nd of 2 sessions)

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

This is the 12-hour psychomotor skills session required for Maryland EMT recertification. Class will be conducted in two six-hour sessions. PLEASE NOTE – The student will still need 12 hours of continuing education either online through MFRI or physical attendance at several available sessions.

Instructor PDI; Interactive Classroom and Gamificatiom

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Presented by:  Ruddhi Wadadekar, Instructional Designer, MFRI Room 201 This is a 3 hour PDI. Registration is through the MFRI website. The Interactive Classroom and Gamification workshop features demonstrations of […]

Babysitting Safety Workshop (4 hours)

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Presented by: Lisa Wilson EMT BA is the Family Advisory Network (FAN) Chair for the Maryland EMSC Department and State Partnership Grant Room 202 Child and Babysitting safety is intended […]


College Degrees: What, When, How

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Presented by: John Todaro BA, NRP, RN, TNS, NCEE, CHSE, CHSOS Director/Principal Consultants with Eagle Emergency Education Consultants Room 203 This presentation will discuss what a degree can do to […]


Neurodiversity & the First Responder

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Presented by: Dr. Jenelle Abnett; Professor at Neumann University in Aston, PA.; Advisor for the Neumann University Branch of the Philadelphia Eagles Autism Foundation College Program Room 204 Neurodiverse individuals […]


Ready, Set, Go-Team

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Presented by: Michael Broussard, CRNA; Anesthesia Lead STC Go Team; Shannon Hagan, CRNA Room 205 The Shock Trauma Go Team exists to assist field providers with advanced care. This session […]


Death During Search

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Presented by: Bill Carey, Assistant Editor FireRescue1, EMS1 Room 207 A detailed look at line-of-duty death data involving fireground search. This presentation will cover United States Fire Administration (USFA) data […]


CSST Awareness and Safety: Lessons from Two Maryland LODDs

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Room 206 Presented by: Celeste Flynn and Sara Laird Celeste Flynn and Sara Laird, wives of fallen firefighters LT Nate Flynn and BC Josh Laird, will discuss the hidden dangers […]


Lithium-Ion Battery Fires, a Challenge for the Fire Service

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Presented by: Daniel Murray, Deputy Chief, Haz-Mat Operations, FDNY New York, NY Located in Room 207 NYC suffered 18 civilian fatalities from fires started by lithium-ion batteries in 2023. Chief […]


It’s Ok to Say I’m Not Ok

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Presented By: David Lewis, Instructor; NFA, MFRI, and UMD; Susan Hilton, Damascus VFD, Maryland Room 201 As individuals, we carry the weight of everyday stresses around each day: work, family, […]


Building Communication Skills

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

Presented by: John Todaro BA, NRP, RN, TNS, NCEE, CHSE, CHSOS; Director/Principal Consultants with Eagle Emergency Education Consultants Room 204 This presentation will discuss the concept of “Role-Play” as an […]


Commercial Fireground FACTS

Ocean City Convention Center 4001 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD, United States

CANCELED Presented by: Chief Christopher J. Naum, SFPE; Chief of Training, Command Institute, Center for Fireground Leadership Room 204 The Buildings and Structures that provide occupancy and use for commercial […]
